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Energy Use

  • Improve how energy is used by better controlling your heat, where it is used and when it is used.
  • There are a number of aspects to making your home more energy efficient and over the past number of years the insulation of cavity walls and attics has been to the fore in everyones mind. However, the heating system in your home plays a major part in your consumption of energy be it oil or gas.  
  • Most homes have outdated boiler systems which can be as low as 60% efficient, which is frightening when you consider that this effectively means that 40% of every euro you spend on oil or gas is lost!!!
  • We would only recommend that if you are to keep your fuel source i.e. oil or that you upgrade to a boiler that have an efficiency of 97% or higher meaning you save up to 30% by upgrading to a high condensing boiler.  
  • We would however advise that you replace your heating system with a heat pump or mechanical heat recovery system
  • It is also essential that you install heating controls if you do not have them already. By installing heating controls you will be able to heat the rooms you want so as not to waste fuel heating unused rooms. Furthermore, thermostatically controlled radiator valves can be used to control the temperature you want for each room.  
  • These modifications to your heating system will save you hundreds of euro per annum and combined with your insulation upgrades make your home less expensive to heat, but most importantly make it more comfortable to live in during those long, cold winters nights.


There are grants available for boiler and heating controls upgrades through the SEAI's Grant scheme.